Health & Wellness

  • First Time Pregnancy Tips: How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy

    Becoming a first-time mom is an exciting new journey filled with anticipation, joy, and definitely some concerns about how to have a healthy pregnancy. Your body is going to go through many changes over the course of a pregnancy, making it all the more important to talk to your doctor and research healthy pregnancy tips for as smooth an experience as possible.
  • Lung Cancer Surgery Recovery Timelines & Considerations

    The journey through lung cancer surgery recovery is a physically and emotionally challenging experience. As part of your overall lung cancer treatment, you should be as prepared as possible for what to expect and become familiar with how you can safely assist in your healing process.

  • What is Chronic Stress by Definition?

    Chronic stress symptoms affect millions of people worldwide. Unlike acute stress, chronic stress disorder has a persistent nature for extended periods. Left unchecked, it can become a significant detriment to your quality of life.

  • Healthy New Year's Resolution Ideas for 2024

    The end of another year is rapidly approaching! Now is the perfect time to take a look at what you did in 2023 and consider your New Year resolution ideas for 2024. Did you meet your goals for this year? Maybe you surpassed them. Even if you fell short of your goals this year, setting healthy resolutions for the new year will help drive you to prioritize your well-being.

  • Chronic Stress Treatment Short and Long Term

    Learning how to reduce chronic stress can have a profound impact on your physical and mental well-being. Mental health is a vital component of your overall well-being, making it all the more important to address any condition that causes it to get out of balance.

  • How to Heal a Herniated Disc Naturally

    Herniated discs are a frequent cause of back pain in adults,  especially those ranging from ages 30 to 55. In many cases, herniated discs can be treated at home without the need for surgery or medical procedures. Before beginning home herniated disc treatment, however, be sure to speak to your healthcare professional to ensure its safe. Read on to learn more about how to heal a herniated disc naturally.

  • How to Improve Blood Oxygen Level Over Time

    One of the commonly-overlooked factors for your overall health is your blood oxygen level. Vital to living, adequate oxygen levels in the bloodstream are essential for the proper functioning of our organs and tissues.

  • 9 Best Mindfulness Gifts & Ideas for the Holidays [2023]

    Practicing mindfulness and learning to be more present in the moment takes effort.  If you’ve been struggling with gift ideas for the holidays, let go of the stress because we’re here to help. This year, we’ve assembled a fantastic list of mindfulness gift ideas just in time for the holidays to help your friends and loved ones along their journey. 
  • Back Surgery Recovery Time & What To Expect

    Millions of people in the United States and around the world are living with back pain. In some cases, back surgery is necessary to provide relief. After your operation, it’s important to be familiar with spinal surgery recovery processes as well as tips and techniques that may aid the healing process.
  • How to Get Rid of Brain Fog (Or At Least Improve It)

    Brain fog is a term used to describe a state of mental confusion, lack of clarity, and a feeling of being mentally foggy or groggy. It can affect your ability to think, focus, and remember things, ultimately impacting your overall cognitive function. While not a medical condition on its own, brain fog is often a symptom of an underlying issue. Finding effective methods for how to clear brain fog can help you get back to feeling your best and avoiding its discomfort.
  • How to Tell If You're Suffering From Acute vs Chronic Stress

    Stress is a common part of life, but not all stress is the same. There are two main types: acute and chronic stress. Each has distinct causes, symptoms, and treatment approaches, and understanding the differences between the two can help you better manage your stress levels.

  • The Benefits of Elevating Legs

    The potential health benefits of elevating legs make it a simple practice that could positively impact your overall well-being. Whether you're looking to reduce swelling, improve circulation, or simply find relaxation and comfort, leg elevation can be a valuable addition to your daily routine.