Health & Wellness

  • Gout Self-Care Guide: Natural Remedies to Try

    There are an estimated 9.2 million people in the United States living with gout. This condition is a type of arthritis notable because of sudden and severe joint pain. While these symptoms can make daily activities difficult during flare-ups, learning natural remedies and practicing self-care techniques can help improve your overall quality of life.
  • Post-Triathlon Recovery Tips

    Competing in a triathlon is a major undertaking that tests even the most experienced athlete’s limits. It’s a feat of endurance, strength, and mental preparedness. Combining swimming, cycling, and running challenges your body inside and out. While the focus is usually put on intense training to prepare for the event, a post triathlon recovery plan is just as important to take care of your body after putting it through such an intense experience.

  • How to Release Low Back Trigger Points

    Low back trigger points, also sometimes talked about as muscle knots, can affect anyone regardless of your age or lifestyle. These tender spots in muscle tissue can cause significant discomfort and pain, interfering with your daily activities and having a negative impact on your overall quality of life. Whether you're an athlete, office worker who sits most of the day, or someone who experiences occasional back pain, understanding and addressing these trigger points is important to find relief.

  • How to Fix Burnout Long Term

    Have you found yourself completely drained from an activity you perform regularly? It’s not just normal fatigue, it could be burnout. Burnout is a common and ongoing issue that can affect anyone, regardless of where you spend your time. Whether it’s at home, work, school, or any other commitments, burnout can creep in and take a toll on your mental and physical health. It's important to address burnout not just as a temporary setback but as a condition that requires a long-term solution.

  • GAD: Natural Generalized Anxiety Disorder Treatment Options

    Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a chronic condition characterized by excessive, uncontrollable worry about various aspects of daily life. It’s a common condition, with anxiety disorders affecting an estimated 40 million adults in the United States each year1. While traditional GAD treatment options like medication and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) may be effective, many people seek natural alternatives to manage their symptoms.
  • Finding Relief for Hypermobility Pain WIth a Zero Gravity Chair

    Hypermobility joint pain is a condition causing unusually flexible joints and can be a source of chronic pain and discomfort for many. Estimates range, but it’s accepted that roughly 1 in 10 people live with some form of hypermobility condition1. Those living with hypermobility pain often experience joint pain, muscle aches, and even more severe conditions like Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). Managing symptoms and finding hypermobility pain relief is crucial for improving your quality of life.
  • Creating Routines For Rheumatoid Arthritis Self-Care At Home

    Living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can be challenging, but learning techniques for effective rheumatoid arthritis self care at home can make a significant difference in managing symptoms and improving your overall quality of life. There might not be a cure for RA at this time, but simple lifestyle adjustments and healthy habits will go a long way toward feeling more comfortable daily.
  • How to Regulate Nervous System & Help Reduce Stress

    Stress is an inevitable part of our lives, and leaving it unchecked can result in serious negative health conditions both mentally and physically. Just because you encounter stress doesn’t mean it has to become overwhelming. One of the ways to manage stress levels is by understanding and regulating nervous system responses.
  • POTS: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome Self-Care

    Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) may have an intimidating name, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be managed. People living with POTS experience symptoms like dizziness, rapid heart rate, fatigue, and fainting upon standing. Managing POTS naturally may benefit from a self-care approach involving lifestyle changes, coping mechanisms, and tools to help your body recover.
  • How to Keep Your Brain Healthy As You Age

    Learning how to keep your brain healthy as you age is vitally important to your overall health as well as preserving autonomy as much as possible. This June, as we observe Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month, we want to shine a spotlight on the importance of cognitive well-being and its impact on your future. Whether you're looking to prevent cognitive decline or just enjoy keeping a sharp mind, there are numerous approaches you can take.

  • How To Prevent Blood Clots In Legs

    Blood clots are a serious health condition that most frequently occur in those who have recently experienced an injury, undergone surgery, or who may have limited mobility that results in not moving for extended periods of time. They’re more common than you may have realized, impacting an estimated 900,000 Americans each year1. Identifying and knowing how to prevent blood clots naturally is critical for keeping yourself in optimal health and avoiding the serious potential risks associated with blood clots.
  • Cold Feet: Why Are My Feet Always Cold?

    Why are my feet always cold? If you’ve found yourself asking this question, know that you’re not alone. Cold feet can be a persistent issue for some individuals, causing discomfort and even affecting daily activities. Many people live with their feet always cold and there has even been some research suggesting it may sometimes be an inherited trait. What about other potential underlying causes, however?