Health & Wellness

  • Gout Self-Care Guide: Natural Remedies to Try

    There are an estimated 9.2 million people in the United States living with gout. This condition is a type of arthritis notable because of sudden and severe joint pain. While these symptoms can make daily activities difficult during flare-ups, learning natural remedies and practicing self-care techniques can help improve your overall quality of life.
  • Migraine Self-Care Guide

    People living with migraines know they can be completely debilitating, disrupting your daily activities and preventing you from joining in activities you otherwise enjoy. Whether they start gradually or quickly, it’s important to know about migraine tricks and techniques that relieve you as soon as possible. Learning things that help with migraines may also help prevent future flare-ups or reduce their frequency.
  • How to Treat Runner's Knee

    A runner's knee is a common ailment experienced by more than just runners. Athletes and active individuals of all fitness levels may encounter this kind of injury at any time. This condition can impede your daily routine and have you out of commission for a while, making it all the more important to learn how to treat runner's knee as efficiently as possible. Whether you're a seasoned runner or just enjoy staying active, understanding how to manage this condition is the first step toward full recovery.

  • How to Release Low Back Trigger Points

    Low back trigger points, also sometimes talked about as muscle knots, can affect anyone regardless of your age or lifestyle. These tender spots in muscle tissue can cause significant discomfort and pain, interfering with your daily activities and having a negative impact on your overall quality of life. Whether you're an athlete, office worker who sits most of the day, or someone who experiences occasional back pain, understanding and addressing these trigger points is important to find relief.

  • Natural Methods for Shin Splint Recovery

    Shin splints are a common health condition often affecting athletes, runners, dancers, and even military personnel1. While more prevalent in these groups, they’re not exclusive to them and can impact anyone who engages in physical activities that put stress on the lower legs. The discomfort and pain associated with shin splints can be significant, affecting your athletic performance as well as general daily activities.
  • Caring for EDS Back Pain (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome)

    Back pain is an extremely common ailment experienced by an estimated 80% to 90% of adults in the United States at some point in their lifetime1. Roughly 23% experience chronic back pain, which is not only frustrating but can take a negative toll on your overall long-term well-being. For those living with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), it can be especially challenging.

  • Finding Relief for Hypermobility Pain WIth a Zero Gravity Chair

    Hypermobility joint pain is a condition causing unusually flexible joints and can be a source of chronic pain and discomfort for many. Estimates range, but it’s accepted that roughly 1 in 10 people live with some form of hypermobility condition1. Those living with hypermobility pain often experience joint pain, muscle aches, and even more severe conditions like Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). Managing symptoms and finding hypermobility pain relief is crucial for improving your quality of life.
  • 8 Tools & Remedies For Natural Nerve Pain Relief

    Nerve pain, also known as neuropathic pain, is a condition affecting millions of people worldwide. This pain can stem from various sources like sustaining an injury, medical conditions like diabetes, or bodily infections. While traditional medications may offer relief, you may be able to use a variety of tools and remedies for natural relief for nerve pain.

  • POTS: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome Self-Care

    Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) may have an intimidating name, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be managed. People living with POTS experience symptoms like dizziness, rapid heart rate, fatigue, and fainting upon standing. Managing POTS naturally may benefit from a self-care approach involving lifestyle changes, coping mechanisms, and tools to help your body recover.
  • Legs Sore After Running? Try These 5 Things

    Are your legs sore after running? Running is undeniably a great way to stay fit and healthy, but sore legs after running is a common and uncomfortable side effect. No matter if you’re just getting started or you’re an avid runner already, it’s important to know what causes your sore legs from running plus ways to prevent or relieve the muscle tension causing it.

  • How To Prevent Blood Clots In Legs

    Blood clots are a serious health condition that most frequently occur in those who have recently experienced an injury, undergone surgery, or who may have limited mobility that results in not moving for extended periods of time. They’re more common than you may have realized, impacting an estimated 900,000 Americans each year1. Identifying and knowing how to prevent blood clots naturally is critical for keeping yourself in optimal health and avoiding the serious potential risks associated with blood clots.
  • How To Prevent Leg Cramps During Pregnancy

    Pregnancy is a beautiful journey but it can come with its share of discomforts, too. Pregnancy leg cramps are a common complaint among expecting mothers. These sudden, painful muscle contractions — typically in the calf area — can disrupt sleep and cause significant discomfort. Learning how to manage them is important, but it’s not the only solution. You’ll also want to learn how to prevent leg cramps during pregnancy to avoid further occurrences.