Health & Wellness

  • How to Improve Blood Oxygen Level Over Time

    One of the commonly-overlooked factors for your overall health is your blood oxygen level. Vital to living, adequate oxygen levels in the bloodstream are essential for the proper functioning of our organs and tissues.

  • How to Tell If You're Suffering From Acute vs Chronic Stress

    Stress is a common part of life, but not all stress is the same. There are two main types: acute and chronic stress. Each has distinct causes, symptoms, and treatment approaches, and understanding the differences between the two can help you better manage your stress levels.

  • The Benefits of Elevating Legs

    The potential health benefits of elevating legs make it a simple practice that could positively impact your overall well-being. Whether you're looking to reduce swelling, improve circulation, or simply find relaxation and comfort, leg elevation can be a valuable addition to your daily routine.
  • How to Fix Posture While Sitting

    Posture plays a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. It affects our physical comfort, confidence, and even our mental state. With more and more time being spent behind a desk or unwinding at home after a long day, it's vital to learn how to sit with good posture and avoid negative health ailments.
  • How to Increase Metabolism After 40 Safely

    Everyone gets older but that doesn’t mean you have to accept a slow metabolism. As we age, a naturally slower metabolism can lead to weight gain and a decrease in energy levels. However, the good news is that there are methods for how to boost metabolism over 40 in a safe and natural way.
  • How to Strengthen Your Heart: 5 Exercises

    A strong and healthy heart is the cornerstone of your overall wellness. It's the engine that keeps your body running smoothly and taking the right steps to strengthen it can lead to a longer, healthier life. While various factors contribute toward how to strengthen heart health, including diet and lifestyle, exercise plays a crucial role in maintaining and improving it.
  • Low Impact Exercises That Are Easy On Joints

    Exercise is a vital component of a healthy lifestyle, offering numerous physical and mental benefits. However, not all exercises are created equally, especially when it comes to looking after your joint health. Low impact exercise provides a solution for individuals seeking to stay active while minimizing stress on their joints.
  • How to Prevent Shrinking With Age

    It’s a common experience to notice a slight decrease in your height as you get older. Does this mean you’re shrinking? You may be, but likely not for the reasons you think you are. Shrinking with age isn’t a reversal of the growth process, but is often caused by spinal compression.
  • How to Improve Cardiovascular Health As You Get Older

    Cardiovascular health is a critical aspect of your overall well-being, encompassing more than just heart health. As we age, adopting ways to improve cardiovascular health becomes increasingly important. A well-rounded approach can aid in how to improve cardiovascular endurance, keeping you healthy in the long term. 
  • Why is Heart Health Important As You Get Older?

    Our bodies undergo a myriad of changes as we get older. One vital aspect of aging that deserves our utmost attention is heart health. As the driving force of our circulatory system, tirelessly pumping blood to nourish our bodies, the importance of heart health can’t be overstated. It plays a pivotal role in our overall well-being, influencing not only our physical health but also our mental and emotional states.
  • Why is Zero Gravity Good For You?

    While the design of zero gravity chairs may stem from the neutral body positions of astronauts at rest in space, it brings the benefits of that positioning right down to earth. But why is zero gravity good for you? Beyond its reputation for relaxation, zero gravity holds remarkable potential for reversing the effects of aging, improving overall health, and even countering the impacts of an unhealthy lifestyle.
  • How to Increase Blood Flow to the Brain Naturally

    The brain is the epicenter of human cognition and function, relying heavily on a steady supply of oxygen and nutrients carried to it by blood. Optimal blood flow to the brain is vital for maintaining mental clarity, focus, and overall cognitive health. Unfortunately, various factors in our lifestyles can hinder blood circulation to the brain, potentially leading to mental decline and other health issues. The good news is that there are several natural approaches you can adopt to increase blood flow to brain tissue and promote better cognitive function.