How to Meditate At Home

a woman meditating at home


Meditation has been around for centuries and comes with a plethora of both mental and physical health benefits. It can help you manage stress levels, lower blood pressure naturally, elevate your mood, provide pain relief, and even help the body heal itself more efficiently!

As we lead more and more hectic lives, it’s important that you take a few minutes each day to look after your mind and body. This can help keep you operating at optimal health and improve your daily life. There’s no singular way to meditate, either. You can try all kinds of methods and see what works for you!

Today we're exploring how to meditate at home. Use this guide to inspire your home meditation journey and see how even just a few minutes each day could make an enormous difference in your overall well being.

How to Do Meditation At Home

As we said, there’s no “right” way for how to meditate at home. With a busy schedule you may be thinking there’s just no time, but it doesn’t have to be a long commitment either! Meditation is about taking at least a few minutes to center yourself, calm your mind, and relax your body. The health benefits of meditating can make a huge difference in your daily life.

So let’s take a look at how to do meditation at home and get you started. We’ll be talking about:

  • Committing to making time to meditate
  • Creating a zen space at home
  • Thinking about your motivation to meditate

How to Meditate at Home With a Busy Schedule

Meditating once and then forgetting about it won’t yield the benefits you’re looking for when you’re learning how to meditate at home. Instead of trying to find time at random points each day, think about some of your schedule consistencies and commit to making the time to meditate during those periods.

If you’re a morning person, try setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier so you can meditate before you start your day. While you’re enjoying a morning coffee or tea is a great time to close your eyes and focus on your meditation. You can even use the aroma of your drink to help your mind focus on the present and center your thoughts.

More of a night person? Try integrating meditation into a relaxing night time routine to unwind before bed. You can try meditating in a zero gravity chair as you relax in the living room (or put it in the bedroom as part of a relaxing bedroom makeover idea!), spending a few minutes meditating in a warm bath, or even in bed just before you fall asleep. Meditating in the evening can be a great way to manage the stress you experienced during the day and let it melt away before bed. You may find it helps improve sleep quality, as well.

Creating a Meditation Space in Your Home

Part of how to meditate at home is creating a space for you to do it! We don’t mean you have to clear out that messy spare bedroom (though decluttering may also help you relax!) or convert the garage into a rock garden. Your home meditation space is really just about creating a zen space in your home where you can relax and center yourself while you meditate.

For example, you could start by creating a zen spot with a zero gravity recliner in the living room. Zero gravity chairs provide all the support and comfort you could ever want while you meditate. The additional health benefits of zero gravity chairs make them an ideal space to meditate, as well.

Wherever your zen space is, make sure it’s comfortable and has a relaxing vibe. You could add a weighted blanket to your zero gravity chair to boost the feeling of relaxation and comfort. Try aromatherapy candles in relaxing scents like lavender to set the mood and help clear your mind.

You might also consider adding music to a meditation space to add to the calm feeling. You could play nature sounds or even meditate while listening to binaural beat therapy as a sound option to center your mind and be at ease.

How to Meditate at Home By Creating a Motive

Why did you want to learn how to meditate at home? What are you trying to get out of meditation? Focusing on your motivation to meditate is an important part of determining what works for you. Whether it’s managing stress levels, seeking pain relief, elevating your mood, or looking for time to reflect inward, it’s always ideal to set a focus.

If you’re unsure exactly what you want from meditation, or maybe you don’t know everything you want from it, give different types of meditation a try and see what resonates with you! You may find you gain more insight into yourself than you expected.

Trying Different Types of Meditation at Home

Learning how to meditate at home should start with trying different types of meditation to see what works for you. Some different types of meditation are:

  • Guided meditation
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Yoga meditation
  • Sound meditation
  • Mantra meditation

While you may be more familiar with mantra meditation (focusing on a word, phrase, or sound) or mindfulness meditation (observing your thoughts without judgment), there are lots you can try.

For example, if you’re looking for stress relief or to improve sleep quality, you might try guided meditation as part of your night time routine as you sit in a zero gravity chair or warm bath. Guided meditation often invokes calming imagery and calls on you to focus on various parts of your body as you relax them.

Another great method for how to do meditation at home is gratitude meditation. In this type of practice, you sit quietly and focus on the things, people, or circumstances for which you are grateful. This can be a wonderful reminder of the positives in our lives, especially when things may feel down.

You can even practice yoga as part of movement meditation! Not everyone finds sitting still for a period of time to be easy. That’s okay! As we said, there are endless ways to meditate and no one way is the right one for everyone. Movement meditation is a type of meditation that focuses on the movement of the body instead of the end goals of the movements themselves. Popular forms of movement meditation include tai chi and yoga.

As you can see, learning how to meditate at home is all about finding what works for you. Even a few minutes each day dedicated to meditating at home could drastically affect your mental and physical health in a positive way. Whether you’re starting off your day meditating over a cup of coffee or choosing a zero gravity chair to meditate in as part of a night time routine, make it an integral part of your self-care habits.

Learn more ways zero gravity chairs could help boost your mental and physical health by checking out these resources: