Can Weather Affect Joint Pain?

can weather affect joint pain

As fall and winter begin their annual appearance, you may start to feel the changing of the season in your joints. How come some people seem to be affected by seasonal joint pain where others are not? That’s a mystery scientists are still trying to solve. There are some potential reasons, however, as to why the changing of seasons may bring with it certain joint aches and pains.

Can weather affect joint pain? Read on, as we discuss the possibilities for weather-related joint pain, why you might be affected, and how to find relief.

How Can Weather Affect Joint Pain in People?

Have you ever experienced extra joint pain on a rainy day? Maybe you’ve heard a friend or family member make a statement about the weather getting hotter or colder based on how they’re feeling. No, they’re not pulling out their crystal ball, they may be experiencing seasonal joint pain.

Can weather affect joint pain? The truth is that there have been no concrete claims about how weather can affect joint pain, but there are some correlations that have been noted throughout various studies. From the viscosity of internal fluids in hot weather to bodily reactions to drops in barometric pressure during cooler months, the evidence for a relationship between seasonal joint pain and weather seems to be mounting.

Types of Weather-Related Seasonal Joint Pain

As scientists, doctors, and other medical researchers continue to try and definitively answer the question, “can weather affect joint pain?” let’s take a look at ways it appears to do so. It’s not the time of year, per se, that’s affecting your joints as much as the common weather associated with those seasons that may be causing joint pain in your body.

The two categories seasonal joint pain is most often broken down into are:

  • Hot weather joint pain
  • Cold weather joint pain

Each has its own set of potential causes for discomfort and learning how they affect the body is the first step towards how to keep joints healthy all year long.

Hot Weather Joint Pain

As we explore the question, “can weather affect joint pain?” we’re starting with hot weather and how it affects the body. Hot weather joint pain may surprise some people, as this kind of discomfort is so often associated with being cold. So what makes the body react this way and lead to hot weather joint pain?

Similar to how you might’ve heard people mention an upcoming thunderstorm based on how their joints feel, hot weather joint pain may be the result of the added humidity of warmer seasons. The higher humidity may cause joint swelling and inflammation.

Where heat therapy from recovery tools like a heating pad or, more effectively, a heated zero gravity chair can actually help with joint pain relief, hot weather joint pain is the result of swelling associated with overheating. As joints, muscles, and other parts of our body swell from the heat, discomfort can become noticeable and even debilitating for some.

Another potential cause of hot weather joint pain is fluid retention and the thickening of internal bodily fluids as we get hot. This combination can lead to stiff joints for some during hot weather periods.

Cold Weather Joint Pain

When it comes to answering the question, “can weather affect joint pain?” most people look to colder months right away. Often associated with seasonal joint pain, cooler months have a wide variety of potential reasons for causing joint pain in different individuals. Cold weather can result in flare ups for arthritis pain as well as seasonal joint pain in hips, shoulders, and other places along the body.

One of the hypothesized reasons for cold weather joint pain is the drop in barometric pressure. This drop may cause muscles and tendons surrounding joints to expand or contract, adding excess pressure to joints and causing pain or discomfort. While this hasn’t been scientifically proven, many experts point to the consistencies in this theory, giving it credibility.

Another reason for potential cold weather joint pain is the fact your muscles and tendons aren’t warmed up and able to be as flexible right away. This can lead to stiff joints and muscle pains if not dealt with properly. Stretching well before any physical activity, especially in cold weather, may be a way to avoid or relieve this kind of seasonal joint pain.

Continuing with examples of how weather can affect joint pain, let’s also consider its effects on blood flow. Colder weather causes our arteries to tighten, restricting blood flow throughout the body. This means less blood is being circulated around the body, delivering lower amounts of oxygen and nutrients to muscles and tissue needed to keep them flexible. Furthermore, the reduced blood flow means joints aren’t as lubricated, causing potential inflammation or excess pressure that leads to pain.

Similar to options to alleviate hot weather joint pain, many people have turned to the benefits of zero gravity chairs for cold weather effects, as well. Increased blood circulation, faster bodily healing, and reduced pressure on joints combine with other positive impacts of these recliners to improve your overall well-being.

So, can weather affect joint pain? It appears it likely does! While experts continue to study the exact cause and effect relationship between weather and seasonal joint pain, we can look to their current findings for possible connections. Learning how weather affects joint pain for you is the first step in finding relief.

Zero gravity chairs may help with seasonal joint pain, but also provide a plethora of benefits for people of all ages year round! Check out the Svago Lite Zero Gravity Recliner and see how it could elevate your lifestyle and help you live pain-free.